Join US

We are continuously looking for new talent, master students, graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows, with a background in chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, computation science to contribute to our research in several fields. If you are interested in joining our group, please contact me (

More information:


  1. 博士后 1-2人/年,常年岗位,随时联系,要求博士背景为人工智能、计算模拟、催化等相关研究方向。
  2. 研究生 4-6人/年,具有化工、化学、计算机相关学科背景,直博生优先
  3. 本科生 2-3人/年,化工、化学、计算机相关专业本科生,优秀学生提供科研津贴
